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Meet the Denizens of Alt.Appalachia

Within the hallowed halls of Alt.Appalachian there live some of the greatest scribes, legal minds, philosophers, and teachers of Lost Arts ever to be assembled in one place. And, of course, we have an Idjit or twenty thrown in for good measure, too!
We have rendered the cosmic likenesses of several of these wise and indispensable 'elders of the tribe' below.

(Strictly for fun and to do the maximum damage to our political competitors....)

Pictures may or may not represent the actual personalities involved.
Strictly for entertainment purposes!

PHLASH!!! 'Live Bait' McKinney Testifies before Congress
A Guv Bob Masterpiece

Patrick & Dale "Ready to Rumble!"

One of the Chief Scribes
and our Poet Laureate

AnnieBoB, The Usurper
A Pol Without Portfolio

His Honor, Guv Bob, Sir
Always fishin' fer a compluhmint!

Good Ol' Brother Phringus
((at least from the head down!))

Judges Are A Friendly Bunch!
Here Attorney General & Supreme Court
Justice, Larry Smith, waves to his
good friend, Public Defender, Sam Smith,
his first cousin, who is intently reading
'The Missustucky Times & Red Star'

(From L. to R.) Sherry, ConnieG999, Donna, Comradette Helen, new-comer Autumn, BarefootinDD, & Annie (in her pre-hussy state).
Some of the Fragrant Flowers of Alt.Appy