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It's a Commie Cosmos!

Relax and enjoy the wild and wacky world of Communist Politics!

A Sad Case
Sometimes, under the stress of a high-pressure campaign, even the best of friends (and comrades) can crack and attack one another. Inexplicably, this happened recently in the CPA. In this example, Guv Bob assails his best buddy, Attorney General Larry Smith.

Tra-la-la... The BPA plays with copperheadedrattlemoccasins!
the snake wudda bit 'em, too, if'n it weren't afraid of catching something!

That Lime Won't Dial Out!

(Better check the batteries!)

The BPA - Not A Pretty Sight!
Better sink some of that campaign slush fund into some new plumbing!

Missiles & Militias:

We love getting bombed!

"Just cain't find da wurds!"
(Keep tryin', Mac!)
Wow! Can you believe we have all this fun in Alt.Appy?
Appalachian Communism: We wash behind our ears -- both of 'em!

Commie Lovers for Rent!
(Inquire within)