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Pretty Pictures of Political Pulchritude

Appy Commies make excellent lovers...after the pillaging and burning and bombing and plundering is done!

Another BPA Testimonial
They can make you look this good, too!

C'mon, BPA! Let sleeping dogs lie!

"You've got 'em by the..."
Brit PM Praises Guv Bob

An Obvious BPA Phake!
Notorious BPA propagandist, Basket Weaver, is thought to be the creator of this scurrilous attempt to besmirch the reputation of Attorney General-nominee, Larry Smith.

BPA Mobile Headquarters
"Just makin' Amerika beautiful!"

Here are the Heros and Heroines of our Glorious Party
Vote Straight-Ticket: Only Communist Party of Appalachia candidates will be featured on the fall ballot.
THINK: You're beautiful, you're successful, you're a communist.
Positive affirmations for the Communist soul!

Watch this space!