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Communist Collectibles: Collect the whole set!

Feel free to copy these pictures to your own computer. After all, isn't that the Communist way?

Castro Boosts the CPA
El Presidenté praises the "far sighted politics" of Guv Bob
and Attorney General-nominee, Larry Smith.

Castro Marches On
Sings praises of CPA
('though slightly off-key).

Compassionate Communism at Work
Give so these children may live
happy, productive lives!

Anti-Religion? No Way!
Come to the Church of the CPA!

Power of the Press! -- Power to the People!
All the news that passes the censor!
(Just like usual!)

We're not about 'hate' anymore!
"Kiss me, I'm Communist!"
If you're ready to join us, just visit our "About Us" page and send your six bucks in...
Welcome to the home of Capitalist Communism!

Fire Sale: Everything must go! Six bucks per item!